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Review Modo Experto School

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Review Title


Meet, Enjoy and Share

  • Overview
  • Facilities


At Modo Experto School, we believe that sports have the power to connect us with nature and new people who quickly become friends and family. That is what makes us the best surf school in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. We identify as part of a community made by water, that enjoys what it does, communicates what it feels, enjoys hugs, laughs, going for walks, or eating together after a good session in the water.


The reviews say it all

Our reviews

So Nice to have meet you guys!

Modo Experto School, Viana do Castelo

It is an amazing anvironment, you really feel like a part of the family. Always welcoming and great teachers that would always guide you in a safety way so you can learn any of the discplines they offer! Thanks so much to the Family! I will back soon!

was there in July 2020

Rating Summary

Overall Rating
Quality of services
Value for money
Would recommend