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Review Margarita village kite school kalpitiya

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Review Title


the best kitesurfing instruction in Kalpitiya

  • Overview
  • Facilities


We sense you have set your sight on packing your bags and leaving for Sri Lanka for an
exquisite kitesurfing trip. For a wholesome experience with utmost reliability, Margarita
village is your best bet.

We have been Ranked number 1 by the IKO – International Kiteboarding Organization, and
that’s because of our quality offerings.

Having been in the kitesurfing field for years, we cater to all your needs. From
accommodations to certified teaching, Margarita village acts as your one-stop destination.
We take care of all your logistic and equipment requirements with the utmost efficiency.

All these at affordable prices, we at Margarita village provide you with a seamless
kitesurfing experience. We also offer different packages to suit your experience and needs.
We can arrange other exciting activities like whale and dolphin watching, safaris too.

So, empower your instincts and visit us. We assure you that we’ll do everything possible to
make your visit a memorable one.


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