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Review Title


Your kitesurfing holidays in Sri Lanka

  • Overview
  • Facilities


Kitesurfing Lanka was started 13 years ago by fellow kiters Dilsiri Welikala, Sri Lanka’s first local Kite Instructor and Frenchman Léo Moret. The story of how they met and started the first kite camp in Kalpitiya is epic and you can check it out here.

We are located on the North West Coast of Sri Lanka in Kalpitiya, on the peninsula of Puttalam. Kitesurfinglanka is 8 acres of paradise in Kalpitiya, and a true reflection of hard work and passion for kitesurfing, nature, and the neighbouring community.

At KSL we have an epic lagoon, beachfront access, magical gardens lovingly maintained by the owners themselves, and activities for everybody to enjoy. We guarantee you, there’s something for everyone here.


Our resort offers a wide range of facilities and designated areas designed to provide you with the ultimate holiday experience.

Soothe your senses at our on-site spa, where you can indulge in rejuvenating Shiatsu treatments or practice yoga on our scenic yoga deck overlooking the tranquil lagoon nestled in the mangroves.

Our bar area is perfect for socializing and enjoying games, or challenging yourself in slacklining. There is also a volleyball court and a petanque field at the beach bar.

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